EVAN6693 2018/08/28 14:42 發表 人氣 : 1781
Dear hamfriends.
My name is Asbjorn im 78 years old – Danish Radioamateur OZ6AI and Greenland OX3AI –licensed in 1959 –still very active ham.
Maybee you can help me in a special matter?
I did send 2 telefunken tubes YL1350 to a fellow?: Lawrence Ciao, 7F -9, No. 126 Rd-Fujhong, 22055 Banchiao, Taiwan. ( he spels Banchiao – I think the correct spelling is Banqhiao
He has not paid and he does not answer my latest mails – contact is completely lost.
I?do not have his Email address – contact is via a Danish portal?- www.brugtgrej.dk.
Can you locate him –and at least ask him to contact me?- it is actually not for the money ( apx. 7600NT$)?- I can live without them?- but you must be honest.
Thank you in advance and best 73 de OZ6AI/OX3AI
Asbjorn Jorgensen
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